
@interface MIKMIDIEvent : NSObject <NSCopying>


class MIKMIDIEvent : NSObject, NSCopying

In MIKMIDI, MIDI events are objects. Specifically, they are instances of MIKMIDIEvent or one of its subclasses. MIKMIDIEvent’s subclasses each represent a specific type of MIDI event, for example, note events will be instances of MIKMIDINoteEvent. MIKMIDIEvent includes properties for getting information and data common to all MIDI events. Its subclasses implement additional method and properties specific to messages of their associated type.

MIKMIDIEvent is also available in mutable variants, most useful for creating events to be sent out by your application.

To create a new event, typically, you should use +midiEventWithTimeStamp:eventType:data:(NSData *)data

Subclass MIKMIDIEvent

Support for the various MIDI event types is provided by type-specific subclasses of MIKMIDIEvent. For example, note events are represented using MIKMIDINoteEvent.

To support a new event type, you should create a new subclass of MIKMIDIEvent (and please consider contributing it to the main MIKMIDI repository!). If you implement this subclass according to the rules explained below, it will automatically be used to represent MIDI events matching its MIDI event type.

To successfully subclass MIKMIDIEvent, you must override at least the following methods:

  • +supportsMIKMIDIEventType: - Return YES when passed the MIKMIDIEventType value your subclass supports.
  • +immutableCounterPartClass - Return the subclass itself (eg. return [MIKMIDINewTypeEvent class];)
  • +mutableCounterPartClass - Return the mutable counterpart class (eg. return [MIKMIDIMutableNewTypeEvent class;])

Optionally, override -additionalEventDescription to provide an additional, type-specific description string.

You must also implement +load and call [MIKMIDIEvent registerSubclass:self] to register your subclass with the MIKMIDIEvent machinery.

When creating a subclass of MIKMIDIEvent, you should also create a mutable variant which is itself a subclass of your type-specific MIKMIDIEvent subclass. The mutable subclass should override +isMutable and return YES.

If your subclass adds additional properties, beyond those supported by MIKMIDIEvent itself, those properties should only be settable on instances of the mutable variant class. The preferred way to accomplish this is to implement the setters on the immutable, base subclass. In their implementations, check to see if self is mutable, and if not, raise an exception. Use the following line of code:

    if (![[self class] isMutable]) return MIKMIDI_RAISE_MUTATION_ATTEMPT_EXCEPTION;

For a straightforward example of a MIKMIDIEvent subclass, see MIKMIDINoteEvent.

  • Convenience method for creating a new MIKMIDIEvent instance from an NSData instance. For event types for which there is a specific MIKMIDIEvent subclass, an instance of the appropriate subclass will be returned.

    The NSData argument is used in conjunction with the eventType to propertly discriminate between different kMusicEventType_Meta subtypes.





    + (nullable instancetype)midiEventWithTimeStamp:(MusicTimeStamp)timeStamp
                                               data:(nullable NSData *)data;


    convenience init?(timeStamp: MusicTimeStamp, eventType: MusicEventType, data: Data?)



    A MusicTimeStamp value indicating the timestamp for the event.


    A MusicEventType value indicating the type of the event.


    An NSData instance containing the raw data for the event. May be nil for an empty event.

    Return Value

    For supported event types, an initialized MIKMIDIEvent subclass. Otherwise, an instance of MIKMIDIEvent itself. nil if there is an error.

  • Initializes a new MIKMIDIEvent subclass instance. This method may return an instance of a different class than the receiver.



    - (nullable instancetype)initWithTimeStamp:(MusicTimeStamp)timeStamp
                                          data:(nullable NSData *)data;


    init?(timeStamp: MusicTimeStamp, midiEventType eventType: MIKMIDIEventType, data: Data?)



    A MusicTimeStamp value indicating the timestamp for the event.


    An MIKMIDIEventType value indicating the type of the event.


    An NSData instance containing the raw data for the event. May be nil for an empty event.

    Return Value

    For supported command types, an initialized MIKMIDIEvent subclass. Otherwise, an instance of MIKMIDICommand itself. nil if there is an error.

  • The MIDI event type.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) MIKMIDIEventType eventType;


    var eventType: MIKMIDIEventType { get }
  • The timeStamp of the MIDI event. When used in a MusicSequence of type kMusicSequenceType_Beats a timeStamp of 1 equals one quarter note. See the MusicSequence Reference for more information.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) MusicTimeStamp timeStamp;


    var timeStamp: MusicTimeStamp { get }
  • The data representing the event. The actual type of stored data will vary by subclass. For example, in MIKMIDINoteEvent the data property’s bytes are of type MIDINoteMessage.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSData *_Nonnull data;


    var data: Data { get }